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    Delosperma 'Fire Wonder' Wheels of Wonder® Ice Plant

    Delosperma 'Fire Wonder'
    PRICE BREAKS - The more you buy, the more you save
    Availability: In stock
    Price: $16.95
    i h

    Flowers are Twice the size!

    • Incredible reblooming hardy Iceplant
    • Flowers are twice the size of any other ice plants
    • Flowers continuously from spring until frost
    • Wheels of Wonder® Fire is just as tolerant of heat, humidity, and drought as traditional hardy iceplant
    • Large, vibrantly colored blooms with fiery red petals and bright yellow center
    • Blooms spring through fall
    • Perfect for rock gardens and border fronts
    • Durable choice for hot, dry locations
    • Requires well-drained soil and full sun
    • Height: 6-8 inches
    • Spread: 24 inches
    Products specifications
    Product Specifications
    SizeShort - less than 12"
    Sun-ShadeFull Sun
    Gardening SolutionCarefree, BLOOMS ALL SUMMER!, Perennial, Low Maintenance, Rock Garden, Ground Cover, Deer Resistant, Attracts Butterflies
    Bloom TimeSummer, Late Spring/Early Summer, Late Summer/Early Fall, Fall
    Soil MoistureModerate, Dry
    Growing Zone5, 6, 7, 8, 9
    Product tags
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