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    Hydrangea Tuff Stuff Top Fun™ Reblooming Mountain Hydrangea

    Hydrangea Tuff Stuff Top Fun™ Reblooming Mountain Hydrangea
    PRICE BREAKS - The more you buy, the more you save
    Availability: In stock
    Price: $24.95
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    • Brimming with color, Tuff Stuff Top Fun hydrangea’s bold lacecap blooms are supported by bright burgundy stems

    • Each flower is filled with cheery green fertile florets at the center and purple or pink infertile florets around the edges. So inviting to pollinators and quite a lovely cut for florists. And these flowers just keep coming all summer long, first on old wood and later on new wood.

      Continuous Bloom or Rebloomer
    • Blue-purple in acidic soils, pink in basic ones.
    • Height: 2-3 feet
    • Spread: 2-3 feet
    Products specifications
    Product Specifications
    Sun-ShadeFull Sun, Partial Sun/Shade
    SizeTall - 24" - 36"
    Gardening SolutionPerennial, Huge Blooms, Repeat Bloomer, BLOOMS ALL SUMMER!, Large Focal Plant, Carefree, Proven Winners, Border Plant, Low Maintenance
    Bloom TimeSummer, Late Summer/Early Fall, Fall
    Soil MoistureModerate
    Growing Zone5, 6, 7, 8, 9
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