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    Cuphea Totally Tempted® Frosted Violets™

    Cuphea Totally Tempted® Frosted Violets™
    PRICE BREAKS - The more you buy, the more you save
    Availability: In stock
    Price: $10.99
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    Great Color!

    • Self-cleaning, violet purple, blush pink rimmed blossoms of Totally Tempted Frosted Violets keep right on coming from spring to fall, providing a continuous nectar source for our winged friends 

      Attracts Bees, Butterflies, & Hummingbirds

    • Border Plant, Container, Landscape, Mass Planting
    • Grow in landscapes, polinator gardens, hanging baskets, window boxes and upright containers
    • Height: 10-12 inches
    • Spread: 8-16 inches
    • Keep the soil moist throughout the growing season. Regular feeding will keep it full and constantly flowering. Once established, it does not require a lot of water.
    • Long Blooming
    • Heat Tolerant
    Products specifications
    Product Specifications
    Sun-ShadeFull Sun
    Bloom TimeLate Summer/Early Fall, Fall, Summer, Late Spring/Early Summer
    Gardening SolutionBLOOMS ALL SUMMER!, Container Plant, Low Maintenance, Proven Winners
    SizeMedium - 12"- 24"
    Soil MoistureModerate
    Growing Zone9, 10, 11